Ray Dalio: $250,000 per TM session
Ray Dalio is the world’s most successful Wall Street investor. His hedgefund is worth 170 Billion USD, and he makes about 1.5 Billion USD per year, or roughly $750,000 USD per hour. Yet he’s been spending 20 minutes twice per day on his TM practice. In dollar value that would come down to a cool $250,000 per meditation session.
And to him it’s worth it. He’s been doing it for 40 years and claims that TM has been the secret to his success. He paid for all of his employees to learn.
In this video, Ray Dalio and Hollywood Director Martin Scorcese describe how TM allows them to make clear decisions and develop their creative potential.
Apprenez la Méditation Transcendantale en Guadeloupe
Institut Ayurveda-Guadeloupe, Boulevard du Marquisat de Houelbourg, Zone Industrielle de Jarry, 97122 Baie-Mahault Cliquez ici pour voir la carte
Les conférences d'introduction à la MT sont gratuites mais le nombre de places est limité. Inscrivez-vous ci-dessous.
Institut Ayurveda-Guadeloupe, Boulevard du Marquisat de Houelbourg, Zone Industrielle de Jarry, 97122 Baie-Mahault
Professeur(s) de MT

Joe George
0590 99 99 99
Cours de MT
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